Lesionado en un accidente automovilístico? Su estatus migratorio no importa: lo protegeremos.

Duluth Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

man holding a flask while driving

Drunk driving takes thousands of people’s lives on Georgia’s roads every year. Although drunk driving is illegal in the State of Georgia, many people get involved in car accidents caused due to drunk drivers. There will be expenses following a Duluth drunk driving accident. Hence, it is important to secure compensation.

Have you suffered significant injuries because of negligence in another party’s drunk driving action? If so, there is a way to recover your financial loss from lost wages, medical bills, and other expenses. You can secure compensation after filing a personal injury claim against the group or individual at fault.

An experienced Duluth drunk driving accident attorney from a reputed personal injury firm will help you achieve maximum compensation for your loss. So, connect with them soon after the accident. The Duluth drunk driving accident lawyer will have comprehensive and aggressive legal representation for your claim.

What are Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys and What Do They Do?

car accident

If you are involved in a DUI accident case, there’s a good chance you’re suffering and facing considerable financial challenges. Drunk driving accident attorneys help you to cover your loss so that you can pay for your medical bills including property damage. In the State of Georgia, the offense for DUI is more than driving drunk.

The regulations include driving under influence of any substance that includes alcohol, illegal drugs, and legal drugs. In short, any kind of substance that can influence driving, self-control, or judgment can form the basis of a DUI case.

The following are the three most common substances:

assortment of drugs

  • Prescription drugs
  • Over-the-counter drugs that can cause drowsiness
  • Illegal drugs such as cocaine or marijuana
  • Alcohol

There are plenty of expenses after an accident. You have to pay for the injuries caused because of someone else. But you don’t have to pay for everything. If you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, contact a renowned lawyer.

Drunk driving accident lawyers can help you seek compensation in terms of economic and non-economic damages. Even if your loved one passes away due to injuries, the accident lawyers can file a wrongful death case. They will be able to file a strong case and seek maximum compensation to cover your loss.

Different types of drunk driving accidents in Duluth

car accident

A drunk driver will make poor decisions and cause accidents. Alcohol is the main contributor to distracted driving, which causes car accidents.

Below listed are common types of drunk driving accidents:

  • Head-on collision – It is common for a drunk driver to fall asleep or become drowsy, the chances of head collision are more. Alcohol reduces one’s ability to see things. As such, they don’t follow traffic signals or signs, increasing the chances of a head-on collision accident.
  • Rear-end collision – A drunk driver won’t react instantly when the other driver stops or slows down quickly. And, will cause a collision.
  • Wrong-way wrecks – Because a drunk driver won’t understand traffic signals and signs, they won’t realize that they are on the wrong lane or even exit or entrance to the highway.
  • Unsafe passing – It’s a tricky business to pass a vehicle because there are certain factors to consider. A drunk driver can’t perform the maneuver and is likely to engage in a crash.
  • Pedestrian – A drunk driver with impaired vision won’t see a pedestrian and is likely to hit them. This scene becomes relevant, especially at night. As such, the victim experiences serious injuries or even death.

What is the legal process you can take after a DUI accident?

driving under the influence book

Driving while intoxicated and driving under the influence are both criminal offenses in the State of Georgia. Because the claim for the compensation is a civil case, the criminal charges including your lawsuit could be settled in different courts.

However, a conviction for both these cases will help prove negligence on part of the driver. For the civil case, your lawyer will use these details and approach the court for compensation from the at-fault party. Most of the time, car accident claims never reach the court. Both negotiation and settlement begin right after a claim is filed.

In that case, your accident lawyers and the insurance company representatives can discuss amounts for settlement. Because you are the victim, it depends on you whether or not to accept the settlement offer. Your accident lawyers will then notify you whether the offer from the insurance company is genuine or not up to the mark.

If you reject the offer, your lawyer will approach the court to attain a suitable settlement for you. From filing for a claim to settling a compensation amount, your drunk driving accident lawyer will get you the compensation that you deserve. They are aware that drunk driving accidents can have an impact on anyone’s life. So, they will handle your case with compassion.

How to avoid such accidents in Duluth?

As the popular saying goes, prevention is better than cure, you should understand the consequences of drunk driving accidents.

Follow these tips to keep you and everyone safe on the roads:

  • Make a plan
    The best way to avoid a drunk driving accident is to appoint a friend as your designated driver. If there is no one, it is wise to spend the night at someone’s place. Do not become a drunk driver. Don’t forget to keep an eye on your designated driver. If you find them a bit drunk, call a cab.
  • Avoid drinking when you are alone
    When you go outside by yourself, it is best to avoid drinking. Driving under the influence of alcohol will result in an undesirable situation.
  • Have sufficient food
    Drinking on an empty stomach will result in more intoxication. Adding a meal will help reduce the chances of avoiding an accident.

However, there are instances where you might be in full consciousness but the driver in another vehicle might not be. Always, maintain a safe distance between vehicles while on the road. Follow every traffic rule to keep you safe. If you are hit by another vehicle by a drunk driver and have suffered damages, contact a Duluth drunk driving lawyer immediately.

How do you deal with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident in Duluth?

woman taking a breathalyzer test

The first thing to do soon after getting involved in a drunk accident is to call for emergency help for yourself or for the accident victims. Keep an eye on those who have serious injuries. Common injuries such as neck injuries and extremity injuries should be given immediate medical attention.

Protect your rights by following the process mentioned below:

  • Call the police – Prepare a detailed report showing evidence of what happened. Talk to the police officer about the accident scene, so they can make a proper police report. A proper accident report is a must to file a strong claim.
  • Explain to the officer for a suspected DUI – Explain to the police officer that you believe that the driver is impaired. The officer will take the necessary steps to investigate and confirm signs of intoxication. Perhaps, the driver might be arrested.
  • Talk with witnesses – Make sure that you talk with people around you about the accident. Even if the people didn’t see the accident, they may witness the drunk driver behaving oddly after the accident. Get their names and addresses to follow up later.
  • Talk with your insurance company – Chances are that insurance companies will try to resolve the issue citing various reasons that may not be in your favor. Still, contact your insurance company and record what they have to say.
  • Make an appointment with a drunk driving lawyer – Regardless of what you have documented at the scene, it is wise to talk to Duluth drunk driving accident lawyer. Keep in mind that DUI cases are complicated and the sooner you communicate with a lawyer, the better are your chances to get relieved from physical and emotional injuries. They will help you get full financial recovery.


man drinking a beer while driving

Remember that whatever you do after a DUI accident in Duluth, it will make your lawyer’s job easy when it comes to getting the compensation fast. Therefore, save every piece of document including repair bills or medical bills. Also, it is wise not to talk about the settlement with the insurance companies before consulting with your lawyer.

An experienced Duluth drunk driving accident attorney will take every step to make sure that you get the money to recover from your loss. The lawyers will fight for your rights and will never take the side of the insurance companies or drunk drivers that will try to deny your claims.


man with an injured head after a car accident

What makes a DUI Accident Lawyer different from an experienced car accident attorney?

There is no denying that a drunk driving accident and a car accident are different. And, so are the lawyers handling cases on behalf of people. Moreover, accidents caused by DUI are judged differently compared to other car accident cases.

Hence, a reputed DUI accident lawyer will have to conduct a thorough investigation and find out the actual cause of the accident while providing compensation for their clients.

How do car accident settlements work, and what should I expect if I hire a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer?

A car accident settlement offers complete compensation for lost wages, property damage, and medical expenses. The settlement covers the damages caused including trauma and pain that you have experienced after the accident.

A skilled drunk accident lawyer will evaluate your situation and help you get the right compensation. They will ensure that the settlement works in your favor.

What type of services does an Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney offer?

If you are injured in an accident caused by someone’s negligence, an Atlanta personal injury attorney helps you receive compensation for your pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical bills.

Here are just a few examples of what personal injury lawyers can assist you with:

  • Construction accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Wrongful death
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Truck accidents

How can I benefit from hiring a DUI Accident Attorney for my auto accident claims with my insurance company?

insurance claim form

This is how you can benefit from hiring a drunk driving accident attorney for your auto accident claim:

  • You will get accurate information with recommendations on what to do next
  • A good lawyer knows how to investigate properly
  • You don’t have to communicate with insurance companies
  • Determine claims for compensation
  • Filing a lawsuit
  • Help with your medical bills and secure your medical records
  • Settlement negotiations

What are the most common causes of car accident fatalities in Georgia and how can they be avoided when hiring an auto accident lawyer?

According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, around 70% of car accident fatalities are caused because of unsafe driving behaviors. When drivers understand that paying compensation for the damages caused is much, they will try to avoid such accidents. And, only a drunk driving accident lawyer can do that effectively.

Is there any way to reduce the severity of charges with Georgia DUI Laws if I hire a DUI Accident Attorney?

Because of the legal maneuvering of Georgia driving under the influence lawyer, they can convince the prosecutor to plea for a lesser sentence. As a result, it will help you avoid a minimum DUI charge which can be mandatory. When you hire a DUI accident attorney, they can help you with proper representation and improve your DUI defense.

How can Duluth personal injury attorneys lawyers help me after being involved in a personal injury lawsuit following a drunk driving incident?

If you have been involved in a personal injury lawsuit after a car accident claim or a DUI, a reputed Duluth personal injury lawyer will help you in ways that won’t hurt you much. As they are knowledgeable in personal injury law, they will offer the other party to settle the case out of court. Also, they will ensure that you don’t have to pay much as compensation.

Are there any risks associated with not hiring an experienced car accident lawyer after being involved in a drunk driving incident in Georgia?

After a car crash, your vehicle may experience lots of damage. Besides, the accident will injure your body which may need medical treatment. Physical and emotional recovery will always take time. This will take you out of work for a certain period. Not to forget about the medical expenses that you need to cover as well. To relieve you from emotional and physical exhaustion, you have to hire an experienced car accident attorney.

If my case involves multiple parties, will working with a drunk driving accident lawyer still be beneficial, even if the other party is not found liable for the damages caused by their actions?

people on the phone after a car accident

Even if your case involves multiple parties, it is wise to hire a drunk driving attorney from the best law firm. They will understand every aspect of the auto accident cases, regardless of the involvement of several parties and would work out strategies that will benefit you to a great extent.

If you or a loved one have been injured in Duluth by a drunk driver, then contact the experienced car accident lawyers at Scholle Law. We offer a free consultation and will assist you in every way we can to put your life back together again.

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